Aluminum extrusion conveyor belts beat the heat and workload of aluminum.
As those in the aluminum industry know, aluminum extrusion conveyor belts face intense heat and workloads that they need to handle again and again during a workday. Standard conveyor belts are not built to withstand these extreme conditions. So, Great Lakes Belting offers any aluminum extrusion manufacturing operation what it needs to find success. We carry specialized belts for almost every industry to ensure operations always stay moving. From high temperatures to heavy aluminum parts, our conveyor belts won’t let you down.
Obviously every aluminum extrusion operation varies in its needs. Great Lakes Belting works closely with every aluminum customer to ensure their production line has exactly the right product to meet their specifications. Without the proper tolerances, your belting might otherwise reach failure more quickly than it should. By working closely with professional belting suppliers and service technicians, you guarantee always having exactly the right product you need with the support to keep it working for the long-term.